Hello, I’m Victor, a Norwegian grade 11 student interested in various subjects; such as music, history, and writing. I find government interesting, but politics to be both annoying and boring. I like listening to a variety of different music, such as Rock, Blues, Metal, and sometimes Jazz. It is interesting to observe the different styles of playing and other technical aspects that accompany different genres. I like various TV shows, and do go to the cinema, if there are good movies being shown at the time. I think that language is a very important subject to study, even if your job or dream job is in a subject other than English. Learning more about English or your own language allows you to express yourself better and more clearly. Being able to write better, might help make your writings easier to read and understand, which is good for reaching a wider audience. In my life, language allows me to express my point efficiently and effectively. Since I have only been to English speaking schools, I’ve pretty much have never really experienced a language barrier. This year I hope to be able to improve on my writing and my understanding of the English language, which, in my opinion, will be useful for any field of study I go into.
Note: Written from a non-Ibo person perspective, however the person has knowledge of what the Ibo culture is and what their achievements are and is speaking on behalf of it at the Royal Colonial Institute’s annual dinner. Set in the Late Victorian era, as the assignment suggests. Words in-between this: [ ], are explanations of phrases, and would not be said in the actual speech. Greetings, Ladies and Gentlemen of the Royal Colonial Institute. As you all know, this is a time of great change in this world. In the span of 100 years we’ve gone from walking on foot and horseback, to being able to get to Edinburgh from London in only 8½ hours whilst sitting, in relative comfort. Despite losing America a century ago, the British Empire has grown immensely since then, acquiring massive territories in Africa. Truly, the Sun never sets on the British Empire. But despite your dominance and hegemony over the world, the human...
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