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Thesis Statement Assignment: Another One

With reference to Things Fall Apart, discuss how an understanding of gender influences how the text may be understood.

Thesis Statement: Things Fall Apart features a more 'Ibo' understanding of gender roles, stating the importance of women; having different, but prominent roles in Ibo society. The character of Okonkwo demonstrates how the idea of masculinity can drive some to hate any type of femininity, however, the book also addresses how femininity and masculinity and often social constructs, using the characters of Ezinma and Nwoye.

Topic Statements:

  •  Things Fall Apart addresses the roles and importance women have in Ibo society, by having certain female characters in positions of influence, such as Chielo (a priestess) and Agbala (the Oracle of the hills)
  • Okonkwo is shown throughout the book to dislike ideas associated with femininity in the Ibo culture, such as being title-less or weak, due to his insecurities stemming from his fear of becoming like his father.
  • Nwoye and Ezinma are two characters in the novel that represent outliers from the traditional ideas associated with gender in Ibo society, as evident by Okonkwo's feelings and relationships with both of them. 


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